Generic simulators

We have developed the concept of the Type-specific Power Plant Training Simulator as our principal product offering to fill the niche between high cost site-specific, replica simulators and cheaper medium to low fidelity generic simulators. Site-specific, replica simulators are well defined to deliver the highest level of simulation fidelity. Lower fidelity generic simulators with a limited DCS scope are not well defined and are at the low end of performance. They should be considered only where basic or introductory training is envisaged.

Our Type-specific Power Plant Training Simulator uses a full-scope, high-fidelity dynamic simulation of a reference plant of the same type as, but not identical to, the user's own plant, i.e. type-specific, coupled to a functionally-equivalent simulation of the reference plant DCS. This offers substantial time and cost savings while being convincingly close to the reference plant’s behaviour to provide training of both new and experienced operators.

The Costec Systems’ Type-specific, full-scope,  Power PlantTraining Simulators deliver a low-cost, high-value, long or short-term training solution alternative to a site-specific replica simulator. They can be delivered within 3 to 4 weeks of receipt of order against 12 – 24 months build and commissioning time for site-specific, replica simulators. They are particularly well-suited to corporate and institutional training centres or plants where funding is not available for a site-specific training simulator.

Costec Systems' Type-specific simulators are available for coal, oil and gas-fired drum or once-through super-critical and hypercritical units, industrial boilers and combined cycle gas turbine plants.

See also replica simulators.