Plant optimisation

Plant Optimization does not simply mean running at maximum efficiency. Achieving design throughput capacity and economic performance targets requires consistent operation, without disturbances or unscheduled downtime that can only be provided by optimized equipment, control and procedures.

Many questions can become evident during normal plant operation. These may relate to identifying and resolving the root causes and potential effects of plant upsets, disruptions, undesirable interactions in certain modes of operation or controllability problems that could result in trips, unscheduled outages or hazards. It is acknowledged that static analysis, qualitative assessments, control loop tuning or rule-of-thumb methods often cannot provide satisfactory solutions leaving unresolved problems with ongoing negative effects on plant revenue and operating costs.

Costec Systems Plant Optimization consulting services employ the Netalyser simulation modelling and analysis environment to conduct off-line studies to answer questions and develop and test solutions. From the results we can identify and quantify plant incompatibilities, bottlenecks, ambient effects, control problems and procedural shortcomings.

Proposals for equipment changes, modified control strategies and procedures can then be developed and tested and verified in simulation to ensure there are no undesirable potential impacts or interactions on other parts of the plant before making any operational or financial commitment.

Where financial investment is involved potential benefits can be assessed using predicted plant operating data to verify design objectives are met, provide corporate decision support and confirm compliance with any regulatory guidelines.


Plant Optimisation

Hazard Analysis and Control

Advanced Control