Hazard analysis & control

A number of recognised methods are available to conduct broad qualitative hazard analysis and semi-quantitative hazard consequence evaluation to determine effects and quantitative risk assessment for potential release events. These methods are useful for developing emergency response procedures in the event of a release but do not serve well to identify the initiating event, or chain of events, that may be intrinsic to the process or to accurately quantify the rate of release in relation to plant dynamic behaviour.

Unless the initiating events and their propagation to the point of release can be accurately understood adequate technical measures, or non-technical methods such as procedures and training, cannot be effectively developed to eliminate or control the potential hazard. These limitations can be overcome by using a dynamic continuous-time simulation technique with suitable analysis tools.

We use our unique Netalyser SMS Scenario Editor for creating and analysing tailored scenarios built up from multiple events and parameter changes to see how hazards resulting in a release event occur and how they can be eliminated or controlled. Results of each scenario can be stored and reused for further analysis.

Technical or organisational measures to interrupt the event chain and prevent a release event can then be implemented and tested in the simulation before any financial or operational resources are committed to implementation in the plant.


Plant Optimisation

Hazard Analysis and Control

Advanced Control